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A Bold and Innovative Global Leader

We introduce the footsteps of Hanwha Advanced Materials to reflect its dedication to serving you.

Beginning and Establishment


Entered into petrochemical business, one of the key infrastructure industries, playing a leading role in the industrialization of Korea

  1. 1965

    Founded as Korea Hwasung Plant

  2. 1973

    Established Korea Plastics Industry Co., Ltd.

  3. 1974

    Established Hanyang Chemical Holding Co., Ltd.

1960’s-1970’s Beginning and Establishment

Growth and Advancement


Advanced into the materials business as a key growth driver

  1. 1986

    Expanded into the automotive materials industry

  2. 1988

    Merged Hanyang Chemical Holding Co., Ltd. and Korea Plastics Industry Corp.

  3. 1994

    Changed corporate name to Hanwha General Chemical Co., Ltd.

  4. 1999

    Divided operations at Hanwha General Chemical Co., Ltd creating a new division for raw materials (Hanwha Petrochemical) and delegating manufacturing operations (Hanwha General Chemical)

1980’s-1990’s Growth and Advancement

Changes and Innovations


Diversified businesses towards global markets

  1. 2004

    Built automotive materials plant in Beijing, China

  2. 2006

    · Built automotive parts and materials plant in Shanghai, China

    Built automotive parts and materials production facilities in Alabama, U.S.

  3. 2007

    Acquired U.S.-based Azdel

    Changed corporate name from Hanwha General Chemical to Hanwha L&C

  4. 2009

    Built automotive parts and materials plant in Ostrava, Czech Republic

  5. 2010

    Began solar materials business

  6. 2014

    Changed corporate name to Hanwha Advanced Materials after selling the construction materials business

Proactive response to future changes in the market

  1. 2016

    Built automotive parts and materials plant in Monterrey, Mexico

  2. 2020

    Integrated into Hanwha Solutions Co., Ltd (merged with Hanwha Advanced Materials, Hanwha Chemical, and Hanwha Q CELLS)

  3. 2022

    Established a solar materials entity in Georgia, US

    Launched Hanwha Advanced Materials as a split off from Hanwha Solutions Co., Ltd.

2000’s-Present Changes and Innovations - Diversified businesses towards global markets 2000’s-Present Changes and Innovations - Proactive response to future changes in the market