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Company Overview

Advanced Material Technology Company that Grows with Customers

Be Greener, Be Lighter, Be More

Hanwha Advanced Materials has the breakthrough technology required to produce truly cutting-edge advanced materials for the automotive and solar energy industries. We are a global firm with everything from manufacturing to R&D operations located strategically in North America, China, and Europe, and we have a proven record of success as a trusted partner to customers around the world.

Core Competencies

Leading the future of the global material industry, we promise a better future for our customers.

Global leading company acknowledged by the world

Hanwha Advanced Materials has the breakthrough technology required to produce truly cutting-edge advanced materials for the automotive and solar energy industries. Among them, StrongLite (GMT) and SuperLite (LWRT) are lightweight composites for automobiles, which occupy the top position in global market share.

Products At A Glance
Technology to materialize creative ideas

We are expanding our business lines by diversifying into lightweight composite materials and developing more advanced thermoforming technologies. We are also developing more sophisticated coating technologies that will propel the market forward. Based on this, we are securing original technologies for automobile and energy fields

A global network actively responding to global markets

We operate eight local manufacturing subsidiaries in five countries, including the US, Europe, and China, and actively respond to customer needs for parts standardization and global sourcing.

Global Network